Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver (Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure) (2024)
Director: Zack Snyder
Writer: Zack Snyder, Kurt Johnstad, Shay Hatten
Stars: Sofia Boutella, Djimon Hounsou, Bae Doona, Elise Duffy
After a perilous journey, a daring, rebellious vagabond returns to where her insurrection against a tyrannical empire was initiated. Despite the efforts of the heroes she united, The village they meant to protect is still at risk, and the adversaries will be upon them within a few days.
Following Zack Snyder's initial jaunt into his self-created Sci-Fi universe with "Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire". This feature continues where Kora's rebel crew left off, with a short-lived celebration before the action spectacle commences. Several months post-release, both the predecessor and this latest film received Director's Cuts along with a Behind the Scenes featurette. It has been produced by The Stone Quarry and Grand Electric, while being distributed by Netflix.
Triumphantly returning from her odyssey across the known universe; Kora (Sofia Boutella) and her united compatriot band find themselves back on the moon of Veldt. The humble farming settlement celebrates as they convey the exultant news that their pursuit has been completed. Yet, this festivity is short-lived as Aris (Sky Yang), a converted Imperium grunt, receives intel that the empire intends to come through on their initial threat. Our hero knows this can only mean a single thing: Atticus Noble (Ed Skrein) somehow still lives. Thus, they're determined to remain steadfast against the looming menace, preparing the harvest as a bargaining tool, ensuring the whole village stands together to make preparations for their final stand against the Imperium.
Furthering the events seen in "Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire", Snyder intends to provide an extended conflict with the overruling Imperium. Providing additional backstory to those we came to know as the act concludes with an unwinnable battle.From a harmonious and even celebratory reunion, we've been conditioned to learn peace is never a constant within Zack Snyder's cinematic showcases. As teased in the previous film, we're made aware that Skrein's Atticus has been revived due to unimaginable medical advancements, undoubtedly vexed by our heroes' triumph over him, leaving him scarred. Some time given on Veldt, those gathered receive further depth, each able to share their tragic past, which feels like a group of friends during their initial Dungeons and Dragons session. Those moments would be what was most sorely missed, to achieve some bonding with each of our archetypal yet interchangeable cast. Once the harvest has been collected, intensity is increased. Yet, despite this and much unlike "Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire", glimpses of the characters are shown, furthering what it meant to showcase instead of continually taking away.
Much remains the same, however, as Snyder's usual meretricious visuals immerse you in what feels like a sound bath, with details remaining thin. Instead of an outward exploration, a defining turn inwards which Rebel Moon truly deserved, the simplicity, taking place almost exclusively around the agricultural settlement—seldomly veering in unfamiliar directions is welcome. Still, characters such as Duffy's Milius barely receive enough screen time. The intention to be an inclusive finale to "Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire" is noticeable and wouldn't have been entirely unwelcome to be merged.
With both features concluded, this serves as closure for our opening act of the "Rebel Moon" franchise. Yet, an overarching weight to thoroughly carry the cimmerian tones remains lacklustre—not enough emotional impact can reach the audience through the plausible demise of those they've met. These musclebound, resilient figures fail to connect genuinely, and their conversations often feel flat and uninspired. Unlike other major franchises, "' Rebel Moon" feels like trying to fit together Lego with Duplo different toys, with their only coherence being they are meant to be building blocks, losing the nuance and their disparities. Still, I remain intrigued yet; where Star Wars started great and ended up bad, Snyder's universe is the opposite. I fully intend to return to Rebel Moon and, in some way, write about its extended versions, hoping, as a fan instead of a critic, that it provides the depth that both features so far have sorely missed.
A scarred, disfigured massacre.