The Intouchables (Comedy, Drama) [Based on True Story] (2011)
Director: Olivier Nakache, Éric Toledano
Writer: Olivier Nakache, Éric Toledano
Stars: Omar Sy, François Cluzet, Audrey Fleurot, Anne Le Ny
In search of a live-in caregiver, a Paris-based quadriplegic aristocrat hires an unlikely candidate to the initial surprise and discomfort of those around him, forming a friendship that nobody expected.
Filmmakers Olivier Nakache and Éric Toledano were inspired by a documentary based on the true story of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and his Algerian caregiver Abdel Sellou's life. They created a feature film depicting an improbable bond despite cultural differences. The film premiered at the Donostia-San Sebastian International Film Festival and was subsequently screened at several other venues. It has been produced by Gaumont, TF1 Films Production, Quad Productions, Chaocorp and Ten Films while also being distributed by Gaumont.
Being paralysed due to a paragliding incident in the past, Philippe (François Cluzet) leads an affluent yet grief-stricken life. While interviewing potential caregivers to aid him in his daily life, Driss (Omar Sy); an ambitionless man, comes in solely in need of a signature to prove his application to continue receiving welfare checks. Telling Driss to return in the morning to collect his document, Driss is surprised to discover he's been unintentionally hired and even more so when they gradually form a bond to last a lifetime. Avoiding an overinfluence of tragedy, "The Intouchables" provides a not-so-subtle comedy drama. Providing a view for Sy's Driss into the life of the rich, while having known nothing but struggle and squalor, that said, it nevertheless approaches humanity being equal despite the contrast in living situation. Overtly beneficial to perception, providing a laugh with a good message behind a sadly uncommon situation yet giving hope in a desperate world.
As Philippe is bound to a bed and wheelchair, "The Intouchables" directly contrasts that with a vibrant and ever-moving script. There’s notable diversity within the cast, even lesser parts being allowed to bounce-off Sy and Cluzet in good-natured interactions which remain memorable. Through appearing as a film based on simplicity, the script, given time, provides quite thought-out moments delivering some important life messaging.
This film by Nakache and Toledano stands firm, embracing traditional filmmaking while challenging the ideas within. Undoubtedly, "The Intouchables" was the breakthrough for Omar Sy to push through to mainstream audiences, which I'm still thankful for.
Truly an intouchable example of film.