• darkblurbg
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    Mark's Remarks

De Man aan het Meer (Dutch)

De Man aan het Meer (Dutch)

Bladeren en takken kraakte onder het gewicht van de terreinwagen die langzaam het afgelegen en overgroeide zandweggetje afreed. Even er tussenuit, weg van het hectische gezinsleventje. Ergernis ontstaat door verloop van tijd zelfs terwijl je omringd bent door een liefdevol gezin Bij aanzicht van het meer werd ik overvloed door een gevoel van kalmte. Het huisje zag er nog steeds zo uit als dat ik het de laatste keer had achtergelaten, een klein optrekje met een aanlegsteiger liggend op het aanzienlijke meer. Zoals altijd parkeerde ik mijn auto achter het huisje en baande ik mijn weg naar de vo…

The Scam

The Scam

Freedom. The width of the road supporting many wheels, my own and many other travellers. Today was easy riding. The name is Jerry Mayfield, the rig under my ass proves that I earn my money... Fast and easy... Too easy. How, do you ask? It's easy really... Living in a small town in the middle of America, land of the fucking free and home of the brave... Home of the marks if you'd ask me... Been pulling this thing for a long time now... Got me my house, my car... Everything really. All on a High School education, If my old teachers would only see me now. Now on to business... Been calling…



Entering town in a gallop.. It’s been a while for the lonely cowboy, not having entered any in a couple months. He wasn’t fond of towns preferring the quiet nights on the prairie eating meagre rations he stored in his saddle bag, just him and his horse maybe an odd traveler here and there. But here he is entering the town of Lincoln and as soon as he does many daughters, wives and children run inside, must’ve been a while since they’ve seen a stranger as every man in sight grip their boom sticks tight. Then the cowboy finally spots the town’s saloon, he strides up to it unmounts and tie’s his…

The Jealous Fisherman

The Jealous Fisherman

The Jealous Fisherman Jemiah was a fisherman in a small town where he lived with his wife Jara-Mei, he always caught the biggest fish, bigger than anyone had ever seen. The two of them lived very happily in this small fishing village, that was until a new fisherman drifted up to the docks. The man boasted about all the enormous fish he usually caught, soon he grew close to Jara-Mei and this grew on Jemiah’s nerves. Day after day Jemiah came home with a freshly caught batch of huge fish never for a moment stopping to see his wife’s gleeful expression the only thing he saw was the new fisherma…